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Part 1: Creating a media campaign for our product

Our media campaign metaphorically transports passersby to picturesque, relaxing, rural destinations. This effect would be achieved through large digital ads in busy UK locations such as London train stations or Birmingham malls. Look below to see the mock-ups of the WayPoint campaign. I hope it inspires you to visit your own nearby quaint destinations 

The Prototype 

To get a feel of WayPoint's Points of Access, below is the path of one typical user flow. I wireframed this before Suahil and Angelo prototyped the design using Figma.

Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 11_edited.jpg

Promoting Domestic Tourism in the UK

Reaching from City Centres to Rural Transport Hubs 

Promoting Domestic Tourism in the UK

Reaching from City Centres to Rural Transport Hubs 

Promoting Domestic Tourism in the UK in 2 Steps


Reaching from City Centres to Rural Transport Hubs 

In the fall of 2021, my friends and I were interested in the intersection of urban planning, public campaigns, and UX design. To address this topic space, my capstone team asked:


How might we improve rates of local tourism?


After researching our problem, we aimed to improve local tourism through

enhancing unrealized spaces in small transport hubs in the UK?


Domestic tourism in the UK has been suffering long before COVID-19, so it was important that our team employed systems thinking to understand:
  1. The history of market town in the UK
  2. British Euro-scepticism 
  3. British attitudes towards train travel ​
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